When you donate to WellWater, 100% of your donation contributes towards raising the standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of the community in Koma Hills, Nigeria. 


When you donate:


£5 / mONTH

You provide one full term of schooling for one child per year!


£10 / MONTH

You provide two full terms of schooling for one child per year!


£15 / MONTH

You provide 1 full year of schooling for one child per year!


£30 / MONTH

You Provide for 2 children, 1 full year of schooling for each child!

*One year is equivalent to three full terms.

2020/2021 sustainable school project - COSTS FORECAST


At WellWater a core value of ours is Break the cycle. We are a charity that wants to live and breath transparency. To this end, we have created a cost forecast for you to see and know what you are giving towards.

We love you and we can’t wait to change the world together!

1. School Building – WE MADE IT!!! We wanted to raise funds for this first as we thought it was the most important! Thanks to you, we made it happen! However, there are still some costs we need to cover for the success of the whole project (see below).

2.      Annual wages for 12 academic staff members - It is almost incomprehensible to imagine how one academic teacher in Koma is paid just under $60 a month, therefore we believe we can take the small burden upon ourselves to fund  a team of 12 academic staff for the entire year!

3. Annual building maintenance - Every home, workplace and school needs routine maintenance to keep functioning the way we want them too and these things also imply costs! We would like to set aside a budget in order to ensure the locals do not have this additional financial pressure until they make a transition into economic independence.

4. Learning equipment - books - stationary etc. - A school without learning equipment is like a home without furniture! WellWater are committed to ensure the children of Koma, Hills have access to books, stationary and other learning resources to ensure they receive a quality education.

5. 2 male and 2 female external toilet facilities - Everyone needs a toilet...

6. Revised solar panel system cost - After an extensive study of the energy required to power the school’s functions, 6 mono-crystalline solar panels will be installed to launch the kids’ education into the digital era.

7. Annual Tuition fees for 134 primary school kids - The average persons Monthly phone bill costs more money than it takes 1 primary school child in Koma to receive an education for an entire year. For this reason we are pledging to fund Tuition fees for 134 kids for the entire year!


2020/2021 Cost Forecast for our Sustainable School project

Mouse-over/tap to see breakdown. (Costs in the above graph are in Pound Sterling)

Total: £60,731

49k WW1

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